US Etats-Unis d'Amérique
  • 03 - Services, Organisation de l'entreprise, Gestion et qualité, Administration, Transport, Sociologie
  • 13 - Environnement, Protection de la santé, Sécurité
  • 19 - Essais
  • 29 - Électrotechnique
  • 97 - Équipement ménager et commercial, Loisirs, Sports

Energy labeling rule; Quality (ICS code(s): 03.120); Environmental protection (ICS code(s): 13.020); Test conditions and procedures in general (ICS code(s): 19.020); Lamps and related equipment (ICS code(s): 29.140); Domestic electrical appliances in general (ICS code(s): 97.030); Kitchen equipment (ICS code(s): 97.040); Laundry appliances (ICS code(s): 97.060); Domestic, commercial and industrial heating appliances (ICS code(s): 97.100); Miscellaneous domestic and commercial equipment (ICS code(s): 97.180)

Energy Labeling Rule; (7 page(s), in English)

Advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) - The Federal Trade Commission (FTC or Commission) seeks public comment on potential amendments to the Energy Labeling Rule (Rule), including energy labels for several new consumer product categories, and other possible amendments to improve the Rule's effectiveness and reduce unnecessary burdens.

The Commission seeks comment on amendments to its existing Energy Labeling Rule at 16 CFR part 305; specifically, on whether it should add new consumer product categories to the labeling program, increase the availability of online labels and other energy information, and streamline existing requirements. The Commission also seeks comment on whether any Rule changes are necessary to ensure the Rule's labeling provisions are consistent with current consumer shopping behavior. Finally, the ANPR seeks comment on whether the Commission should amend the Rule to: (1) modify its label content and format, (2) require links to online Lighting Facts labels consistent with current EnergyGuide requirements, (3) update the electricity cost figure on the Lighting Facts and ceiling fan labels, (4) update the refrigerator and clothes washer labels to remove dated information about test procedures, and (5) ensure the Rule's consistency with Department of Energy (DOE) requirements.