SG Singapour
  • 04 - Lait et produits de la laiterie; oeufs d'oiseaux; miel naturel; produits comestibles d'origine animale, non dénommés ni compris ailleurs
  • 16 - Préparations de viande, de poissons ou de crustacés, de mollusques ou d'autres invertébrés aquatiques
  • 18 - Cacao et ses préparations
  • 19 - Préparations à base de céréales, de farines, d'amidons, de fécules ou de lait; pâtisseries
  • Insects (HS code: 04101000) and other (HS Code: 04109090), under Insects and other edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included.
    [Note: Relevant product codes under the HS codes should be selected, depending on the insect species and/or life stage.
  • Prepared or preserved meat or meat offal of other animals or insects (HS code: 16029090)
  • Any processed food products which may contain edible insects as an ingredient, including but not limited to: Crisp savoury food products (HS code: 19059080); Filled chocolate  preparations (HS code: 18063100); Pasta (HS code: 19021990)

Import Conditions for Insect and Insect Products (for human consumption and animal feed).

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has completed a review of the regulatory position for insects and insect products and will permit the import into Singapore of certain insects for farming, and certain insects and insect products for human consumption as well as for animal feed, subject to certain import conditions.