NZ Nouvelle-Zélande
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Vegetables, fruit, animal products, and other food products

Proposals to Amend the New Zealand (Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Compounds) Food Notice Language(s): English Number of pages: 6

The document contains technical details on proposals to amend the current Notice issued under the Food Act 2014 that lists the maximum residue levels (MRLs) and exemptions from compliance with an MRL for agricultural compounds in New Zealand.

MPI proposes the following amendments to the Notice:

-         The addition of exemption from compliance with an MRL for the following compounds: Glycerol (glycerine), when used topically as a skin conditioner or as an active ingredient in a teat sanitiser in Schedule 3 (veterinary medicines) of the Notice. 

-         Sorbitol, when used topically as a skin conditioner or as an active ingredient in a teat sanitiser in Schedule 3 (veterinary medicines) of the Notice.