MX Mexique
  • 43 - Véhicules routiers

Various types of vehicles

Proyecto de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-001-SEGOB2-2018 Para la determinación, asignación e instalación del Número de Identificación Vehicular (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-001-SEGOB2-2018: Determination, allocation and fixing of vehicle identification numbers) (9 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Mexican Official Standard is binding on all manufacturers, assemblers and importers located in national territory, the vehicles of which, whether produced or imported, are destined to remain in the Mexican Republic for circulation or marketing purposes, regardless of the energy source or configuration of the vehicles. Such manufacturers, assemblers and importers are responsible for complying with the obligations set forth in the Standard.

The vehicle identification numbers will give individuals and the public sector a means of identifying a vehicle with legal certainty. The draft Mexican Official Standard does not apply to vehicles designed specifically for agricultural use, those considered as toys, vehicles manufactured for use in motor-racing competitions, or prototypes for exhibition, development or demonstration purposes.

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