MA Maroc
  • 22 - Boissons, liquides alcooliques et vinaigres

Marketed non-alcoholic soft drinks

Projet de décret relatif à la qualité et à la sécurité sanitaire de certaines boissons non-alcoolisées commercialisées (Draft Decree on the quality and safety of certain marketed non-alcoholic soft drinks) Language(s): French Number of pages: 6

In light of the development of the soft drink market, it was considered necessary to establish a reference framework that would help facilitate trade while safeguarding aspects related to product safety and quality, consumer information and fair trade.

A draft Decree was therefore implemented to govern the sector in question. The main objectives of this draft text are:

1.    To provide definitions for certain products placed on the market, particularly instant beverages, energy drinks, milk beverages, tea- and coffee-based drinks, and iced tea; and

2.     to clearly establish labelling specifications for the products subject to this draft Decree, so as to prevent any form of misunderstanding, and specify the warnings concerning energy drinks.