MA Maroc
  • 65 - Agriculture
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Primary vegetable products, plants and plant products, and food products other than ones submitted under veterinary certification

Projet de document sanitaire pour l'exportation vers le Maroc des produits végétaux et d'origine végétale et des produits alimentaires non-soumis à certification vétérinaire obligatoire (Draft sanitary document for exports to Morocco of plants and plant products and food products that are not subject to mandatory veterinary certification)

Morocco hereby notifies the final version of the draft sanitary document for exports to Morocco of plants and plant products and food products that are not subject to mandatory veterinary certification, and a list of the products concerned (document previously notified in G/SPS/N/MAR/56 and the addenda thereto, G/SPS/N/MAR/56/Add.1 and G/SPS/N/MAR/56/Add.2).