HN Honduras
  • 65 - Agriculture

− SA: 0701.10.00.00 (papa);

− SA: 0713.33.40.00, 0713.33.90.00 (frijol);
− SA: 0901.11.10.00, 0901.11.20.00, 0901.11.30.00, 0901.11.90.00 (café);
− SA: 0904. (pimiento);
− SA: 1005.10.00.00 (maíz);
− SA: 1006.10.10.00 (arroz);
− SA: 1007.10.00.00 (sorgo);
− SA: 1207.21.00.00 (algodón);
− SA: 1207.70.00.00 (melón);
− SA: 1208.10.00.00 (soja);
− SA: 29.10.00 (remolacha);
− SA: 1209.29.90.00 (piña, banano, rambután, pitahaya, aguacate);
− SA: 1209. (pasto, pasto bahía, pasto bachearía, pasto brauna, pasto mombaca, pasto tanzania);
− SA: 1209.91.00.00 (apio, berenjena, coliflor, repollo, cebolla, zanahoria, lechuga, pepino, tomate, espinaca);
− SA: 1209.99.00.00 (cacao, sandia, limón, naranja)

Reglamento General de Semillas (General Regulations on Seeds) Language(s): Spanish Number of pages: 44

The notified Regulations define and regulate the domestic production, import, export, processing and marketing of seeds. All agents involved in the process, including seed producers, processors and marketers and government officials and employees, must comply with these provisions.

The objectives of the Regulations are: to regulate the production, processing and marketing of various categories of certified seeds in the country; to regulate the certification of seeds, as well as seed distribution and sales activities; to monitor compliance with the technical and administrative provisions referred to in these Regulations; to ensure that the certified seed available to producers meets the established quality standards regarding genetic, physiological, physical and phytosanitary purity; and to prevent the introduction and spread of weeds, pests and unauthorized varieties.