CE Union européenne
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Food products

Draft Commission Regulation amending Annexes II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of ascorbic acid (E 300), sodium ascorbate (E 301) and calcium ascorbate (E 302) in tuna (Text with EEA relevance). Language(s): English. Number of pages: 6

The proposal sets, in the interest of legal certainty, a maximum level for the use of ascorbic acid (E 300), sodium ascorbate (E 301) and calcium ascorbate (E302) which applies only for tuna in food categories 09.1.1 "Unprocessed fish" and 09.2 "Processed fish and fishery products including molluscs and crustaceans" in Part E of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008. The use of those food additives in tuna intended for canning in high amounts to artificially restore the colour of fresh tuna flesh does not comply with the general conditions for inclusion and use of food additives in the Union list and with the quantum satis principle. On the basis of the information provided by the industry to the European Food Safety Authority in view of the re-evaluation of the safety of the food additives and official controls carried out by some competent authorities, a maximum level of 300 mg/kg is considered appropriate. The maximum level allows to maintain the current levels of legitimate use following good manufacturing practices.