EC Equateur
  • 19 - Préparations à base de céréales, de farines, d'amidons, de fécules ou de lait; pâtisseries
  • 20 - Préparations de légumes, de fruits ou d'autres parties de plantes
  • 23 - Résidus et déchets des industries alimentaires; aliments préparés pour animaux

- Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products (HS 190410); Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals (HS 190420); - Nuts, ground-nuts and other seeds, whether or not mixed together: (HS 20081); - Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal; greaves (HS 230110)

Proyecto de Segunda Revisión del Reglamento Técnico Ecuatoriano PRTE INEN 060 (2R) "Bocaditos" (Draft second revision (2R) of Ecuadorian Technical Regulation PRTE INEN No. 060 "Snack foods") (8 pages, in Spanish)

The notified Ecuadorian Technical Regulation establishes the requirements to be met by snack foods, prior to the marketing of domestic and imported products, with the aim of protecting human health and preventing deceptive practices.

It applies to the following products:

·         Fried or roasted grains, cereals and seeds that are marketed whole and in packaged form, such as toasted corn, ground nuts, broad beans, chickpeas and seeds;

·         Pig skin and pig skin by-products; 

·        Fried or roasted products of plant origin marketed in packaged form, such as flakes, extruded products and swelled grains and cereals.