EC Equateur
  • 65 - Agriculture

Bovine animals, sheep, goats, bison and genetic material (semen and embryos)

Propuesta de modificación - Resolución DAJ-20142BE-0201.0215 AGROCALIDAD, relacionada con la exigencia de parámetros zoosanitarios con el fin de evitar el ingreso del virus de Schmallenberg (Proposed amendment - AGROCALIDAD Resolution DAJ-20142BE-0201.0215 establishing animal health parameters with a view to preventing the entry into the country of Schmallenberg virus) Language(s): Spanish Number of pages: 5

The main objective of Resolution DAJ-20142BE-0201.0215 is to guarantee the animal health status of Ecuador with regard to Schmallenberg virus, through the establishment of specific animal health requirements for the importation of genetic material, semen, ova and embryos.

In order to facilitate trade and improve the reproduction of animals for slaughter that are susceptible to this virus in Ecuador, the following amendments have been made to the regulations:

Two paragraphs have been included in Article 3, which establishes that "in order to proceed with the importation of genetic material (semen and embryos) of bovine animals from countries affected by Schmallenberg virus disease, an additional sanitary certificate must be presented stating that":

Regarding semen from donors that showed positive serological results for Schmallenberg virus, each batch to be shipped shall be tested for the presence of the Schmallenberg virus genome using a RNA extraction method validated by means of a RT-qPCR system, in a laboratory approved by the competent authority, and must show negative results (attach results). The semen used to obtain embryos for export must meet the requirements concerning Schmallenberg virus in accordance with paragraph a, b or c.