CO Colombie
  • 65 - Agriculture

Animals, plants and their products

Proyecto de Resolución: "Por la cual se establecen las condiciones para el ingreso de animales, vegetales y sus productos al país, que no cuenten con requisitos sanitarios y/o fitosanitarios de importación y se dictan otras disposiciones" (Draft Resolution "establishing the conditions for the entry into the country of animals, plants and their products for which there are no sanitary and/or phytosanitary import requirements, and issuing other provisions") Language(s): Spanish Number of pages: 13

The risk analysis process is a technical scientific procedure conducted in accordance with international standards to establish animal health or phytosanitary conditions or requirements for the entry of animals, plants and their products and to facilitate trade. It is therefore necessary to define and adopt new guidelines for the establishment of such requirements at the national level, which should address the current global uncertainty surrounding food insecurity, climate change and other global challenges for accessing new markets, be in line with the guidelines established by the World Trade Organization and the relevant international agreements, and take into account the technical rigour required for such processes. In light of the above, the draft Resolution, which seeks to establish the conditions for the entry into the country of animals, plants and their products for which there are no sanitary and/or phytosanitary import requirements, is being submitted.