CL Chili
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Food additives

Propuesta de modificación al Reglamento Sanitario de los Alimentos, Decreto Supremo N° 977/96 del Ministerio de Salud, en materia de ADITIVOS ALIMENTARIOS (Proposed amendment to the Food Health Regulations, Ministry of Health Supreme Decree No. 977/96, relating to food additives) (546 pages, in Spanish; 8 pages, in Spanish)

The notified proposed amendment to the Food Health Regulations, Ministry of Health Supreme Decree No. 977/96, relates to food additives. It arises from the need to update the Food Health Regulations concerning food additives by aligning them with the food categories and maximum use levels for food additives established by the Codex Alimentarius and the European Union Regulation on food additives. The aim is to protect people's health by establishing and ensuring clearer and more detailed standards relating to safety measures adopted at the national level for food additives.