BR Brésil
  • 13 - Environnement, Protection de la santé, Sécurité
  • 65 - Agriculture
  • 08 - Fruits comestibles; écorces d'agrumes ou de melons

HS Code(s): 0804, 08119025, 08107000, 081090, mangaba; ICS Code(s): 13, 65

Draft resolution number 882, 23 July 2020, regarding the active ingredient P34 - PIRIPROXIFEM (pyriproxyfen) of the Monograph List of Active Ingredients for Pesticides, Household Cleaning Products and Wood Preservers, published by Resolution - RE N° 165 of 29 August 2003, on the Brazilian Official Gazette (DOU‑Diário Oficial da União) of 2 September 2003. Language(s): Portuguese. Number of pages  4

This Draft resolution incorporates the following changes for the active ingredient P34 - PIRIPROXIFEM (pyriproxyfen) from the Relation of Monographies of Active Ingredients of Pesticides, Household Cleaning Products and Wood Preservers, all in the modality of foliar use (application):

-         includes the cashew, persimmon, star fruit, fig, guava, and mangaba cultures with MRL of 5,0 mg/kg and safety security period 14 days;

-         includes the phrase: m) Acute Reference Dose (ARfD) = Not established. (source: JMPR*, 1999).

-         includes the phrase: "*The Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues"