BR Brésil
  • 13 - Environnement, Protection de la santé, Sécurité
  • 65 - Agriculture
  • 38 - Produits divers des industries chimiques

HS Code(s): 38089910; ICS Code(s): 13, 65

Draft resolution number 865, 7 July 2020, regarding the active ingredient B44 - BACILLUS SUBTILIS of the Monograph List of Active Ingredients for Pesticides, Household Cleaning Products and Wood Preservers, published by Resolution - RE N° 531 of 9 February 2011, on the Brazilian Official Gazette (DOU‑Diário Oficial da União) of 11 February 2011. Language(s): Portuguese. Number of pages: 6

This Draft Resolution includes Toxicological Characteristics, updates the taxonomic classification, and adapts the text to new monographs approved  for microbiological products in the monograph of the active ingredient B44 - BACILLUS SUBTILIS, in the Relation of Monographies of Active Ingredients of Pesticides, Household Cleaning Products and Wood Preservers.