BR Brésil
  • 06 - Plantes vivantes et produits de la floriculture
  • 09 - Café, thé, maté et épices
  • 10 - Céréales

HS Code(s): 06, 09, 10; ICS Code(s): 13

Draft resolution (Consulta Pública) number 559, 26 September 2018, regarding the active ingredient D27.5 - 2,4-D Sal de Colina of the monography list of active ingredients for pesticides, household cleaning products and wood preservers, published by the Resolution - RE n° 165 of 29 August 2003, on the Brazilian Official Gazette (DOU - Diário Oficial da União) of 2 September 2003

Inclusion of active ingredient 2,4-D (2,4-D) for pre and post emergency use in cultures (rice, oatmeal, coffee, sugar cane, rye, barley, millet, corn, pasture, soy, sorghum and wheat) and for eradication of eucalyptus culture from the Relation of Monographies of Active Ingredients of Pesticides, Household Cleaning Products and Wood Preservers.