AU Australie
  • 13 - Environnement, Protection de la santé, Sécurité
  • 97 - Équipement ménager et commercial, Loisirs, Sports

Bunk beds are those products that are supplied as an item of household furniture or part of an item of household furniture. They do not include portable bunk beds designed for camping or bunk beds that are built-in fitments in caravans, camper trailers, tent trailers, camper vans, motor homes, trains, ships, aircraft and other types of conveyances.

More specifically a bunk or elevated bed is currently defined as:

1.    A set of components that are assembled or are ready for assembly into single beds or double/single combination beds which will be stacked one over the other; or

2.    Any single bed, other than a hospital bed, where the upper surface of the mattress base is at least 800 mm above the floor surface

The mandatory safety standard for bunk beds (mandatory standard) prescribes the requirements for the construction, design, and labelling requirements of bunk beds.

Consultation email for new safety standard – Bunk beds; (6 page(s), in English)

The mandatory standard references certain requirements in the 1994 edition of the voluntary Australian standard. The voluntary Australian standard was updated

in 2010.

The ACCC's preliminary position is to reference the most current edition of the Australian voluntary standard in a revised mandatory standard. In addition, consideration will be given to referencing overseas standards.

The ACCC is considering updating the mandatory standard to permit compliance with the following voluntary/mandatory standards:

·         AS/NZS 4220:2010 Bunk beds and other elevated beds

·         EN 747-1:2012+A1:2015 Furniture. Bunk beds and high beds. Safety strength and durability requirements

·         ASTM F1427-21e1 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Bunk Beds

·         U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (16 C.F.R Part 1513) Safety Standard for bunk beds (note this is a mandatory standard in the U.S. based on an earlier version of the ASTM standard).

The new mandatory standard would not impose any requirements other than those contained in these voluntary standards. The bulk of bunk beds are imported, allowing suppliers to source and sell bunk beds that comply with international standards would offer consumers greater choice. This could increase competition in the market, reduce prices and, given there are additional provisions being mandated, improve safety.