Decree of the Flemish Government amending the Decree of the Flemish Government of 1 June 1995 laying down general and sectoral provisions on environmental hygiene, as regards sectoral conditions for installations for the generation of electricity by means of wind energy
Decree of the Flemish Government amending the Decree of the Flemish Government of 1 June 1995 laying down general and sectoral provisions on environmental hygiene, as regards sectoral conditions for installations for the generation of electricity by means of wind energy
The purpose of this Decree is to lay down sectoral environmental conditions, which apply to all installations for the generation of electricity by means of wind energy in Flanders which are subject to authorisation and notification requirements.
These sectoral environmental conditions will re-establish the current sectoral environmental conditions for wind turbines, but this time the sectoral environmental conditions will have been the subject of an environmental impact assessment, cf. case-law of the Court of Justice. The EIA plan procedure is currently entering the final phase. In this sense, the draft texts are still subject to the final approval of the EIA plan.