NO Norvège
  • H10 - Jeux de hasard

Games of chance

Promotion of gambling services

Utkast til ny forskrift om pengespill (Draft Regulation relating to Gambling Games)

The proposal contains numerous measures that will increase responsibility in the gambling field. Some of these measures are already laid down in current guidelines or rules of the gambling games for the providers with sole rights, but are now laid down in regulations that apply to all providers of gambling games. Other measures are new with this proposal. These include:

- An obligation for all providers of gambling games to provide sufficient information about the rules for the gambling game, including information about draws, the probability of winning, prizes and contact information for the provider
- An obligation for all providers of gambling games to inform players about the risks associated with gambling games, the harmful effects of unhealthy gambling behaviour and how the risk of such problems can be reduced
- A general prohibition against autoplay (a function whereby games are automatically started and conducted without any active action on the part of the player)
- The introduction of registered play for all electronic bingo games, as well as the obligation to introduce given loss limits, breaks and the possibility to exclude oneself from all electronic bingo games
- A prohibition against marketing gambling games that are offered on gaming terminals
- An obligation to include clear information about age limits and contact information for the Helpline when marketing gambling games.
In addition, the propsal contains certain restrictions on the current access to offer gambling games:
- The maximum number of permits to offer a gambling game with an annual turnover that does not exceed NOK 360 million is reduced from 5 to 2, with effect from the time when the current permits expire and new permits are to be announced.
- The maximum turnover per permit to offer bingo on local radio or television is set to NOK 5 million per year.