SE Suède
  • T40T - Transport urbain et routier

Road signs

Regulations amending the Swedish Transport Agency’s Regulations and general advice (TSFS 2019:74) on road signs and other devices

Regulations issued by virtue of Chapter 8, Section 1 of the Road Signs Ordinance in view of the fact that provisions on bicycle streets have been incorporated into, inter alia, the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998:1276), and provisions on earlier, additional, green zone classes have also been incorporated into the Road Traffic Ordinance.

In the legislative proposal, the provisions on placement of warning sign A29 – warning for an intersection where road users on a connecting road are obliged to give way or stop – in Chapter 2, Section 12, have been supplemented so that the rules also apply to intersections with bicycle streets.
Chapter 6, Section 1 contains provisions on the sizes of instruction signs. The section introduces provisions on the sizes of the instruction signs for ‘Cycle Street’ and ‘End Cycle Street’ and for ‘Green Zone’ and ‘End Green Zone’ (E31–E34).