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ban on product placement and sponsorship of tobacco-free nicotine-containing products on TV

Draft Act amending the Radio and Television Act (2010:696)

It is being proposed that rules prohibiting product placement of tobacco-free nicotine-containing products on, inter alia, on-demand TV, be introduced under Chapter 6 Section 2 of the Radio and Television Act. It is being proposed that a ban be introduced, under Chapter 7 Section 2, on sponsorship of programmes on, inter alia, on-demand TV by anyone whose principal activity is the manufacture or sale of tobacco-free nicotine-containing products. The proposal is for the ban on product placement and sponsorship to also apply to providers of video-sharing platforms for user-generated videos and television programmes on the platform (Chapter 9a, Sections 5 and 7).

The proposed entry into force for the legislative amendments is 1 August 2022.