HR Croatie
  • B20 - Sécurité

— procedures and obligations of legal entities, sole proprietors and associations in the implementation of safety measures and protection of human life and health during the business activity of manufacture, transport, storage of explosive substances and weapons, and running of civilian shooting sites

Rules on the content of bylaws or other acts in the field of explosive substances, manufacture and circulation of weapons, and running of civilian shooting ranges

In order to protect human life, health and property, these Rules aim to achieve the implementation of safety measures in carrying out the business activities of manufacture, transport, storage, use, destruction, research, testing and conformity assessment of explosive substances, retail sale of pyrotechnic articles, ammunition and components of ammunition, as well as manufacture, repair, conversion, storage and circulation of weapons, and running of civilian shooting ranges.

Considering that Article 4, paragraph 3 of the stated Act stipulates that a bylaw or other act must include a plan of action in case of accidents, by providing the Plan of action in case of accidents or other abnormal events when carrying out business activities related to explosive substances and weapons the aim is to ensure quicker and more efficient procedure to minimise the consequences of unwanted events to the lowest possible measure.
Namely, in accordance with the Act on explosive substances and the manufacture and circulation of weapons, all legal entities, sole proprietors and associations carrying out business activities related to explosive substances and weapons shall take care to protect human life, health and property and to implement all safety measures, and the method of implementation of these measures shall be laid down by them in their bylaws.