HR Croatie
  • C50A - Denrées alimentaires

Natural mineral waters, spring waters and table water

Draft Regulation amending the Regulation on natural mineral waters, natural spring waters and table waters

The draft Regulation amends and supplements the Regulation on natural mineral waters, natural spring waters and table waters (“The Official Gazette of Republic of Croatia” No 85/19) (hereinafter: applicable Regulation) as described below.

The Draft Regulation introduces a name change from ‘natural spring water’ to ‘spring water’, in the title and throughout the text of the applicable Regulation, in order to comply with Directive 2009/54/EC.
The draft Regulation lays down additional requirements on the national procedure for the recognition of natural mineral waters and spring waters, which include:
- analytical reports on individual and total pesticides shall be prepared in accordance with the list of pesticides specific to the area from which the water is drawn
- possibility to carry out inspection at the and at the water bottling plant
- additional documentation
- method of sampling and the obligations of the applicant and the laboratory.
It stipulates that for the assessment of the conformity results of analyses, on natural mineral waters, spring water and table water, with specified values of respective parameters, the measurement uncertainty may not be applied as an additional tolerance to the value of the specified parameters.

It clearly stipulates the wording to be used in the labelling of natural mineral waters.