CZ République Tchèque
  • S70E - Substances dangereuses

Pyrotechnic articles as defined in Directive 2013/29/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of pyrotechnic articles

Draft act amending Act No 206/2015 on pyrotechnic articles and the handling thereof and on amendments to certain acts (the Pyrotechnics Act), as amended by Act No 229/2016, and certain other acts

The proposed act amends the Pyrotechnics Act, which transposes Directives 2013/29/EU and 2014/58/EU.

The amendment changes the provisions concerning the professional competence of persons handling pyrotechnic articles of categories F4, T2 and P2 by extending the scope of activities for the carrying out of which professional competence will be required. In addition, the draft act lays down the procedure for obtaining certificates of professional competence. Furthermore, the control authority for pyrotechnic articles is being changed and the Pyrotechnics Act is being amended in connection with the corrigendum to the Czech language version of Directive 2013/29/EU published in Official Journal L38/42 on 10 February 2018. Last but not least, the amendment introduces a new criminal offence, according to which the criminal offence (of illicit arming) is committed by a person who acquires for himself or another, or possesses, a less than small quantity of a pyrotechnic article, if professional competence is required for handling it (i.e. pyrotechnic articles of categories F4, T2 and P2).

Keywords: pyrotechnic articles, persons with professional competence