AT Autriche
  • S70E - Substances dangereuses
Tobacco and related products, such as waterpipes, and alcoholic beverages

Lower Austrian Youth Act [NÖ Jugendgesetz]

The curfew for young persons aged 14 and under is moved from 22:00 to 23:00.

The current prohibitions under § 18(1) and (2) of the Lower Austrian Youth Act, entitled ‘Alcohol, tobacco and other intoxicants and addictive substances’, only refer to ‘tobacco products’ in connection with smoking. Until the age of 16, young people may not acquire, possess or consume tobacco products in public places or at public events. Tobacco products may neither be offered nor given to them in these locations (shared, served, sold, donated, passed on).

The prohibitions laid down in the Lower Austrian Youth Act in connection with tobacco products need to be extended to new products and smoking habits, and the minimum age raised to 18 years of age, in order to protect young people.

The minimum age for beverages containing distilled alcohol likewise needs to be raised to 18 years of age.

Adjustments and updates will also be made.