UY Uruguay
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Foods packaged in the absence of the consumer

Proyecto para Declaración de Alérgenos y Sustancias que Producen Reacciones Adversas en los Rótulos de los Alimentos, Cualquiera sea su Origen, Envasados en Ausencia del Cliente, Listos para ser Ofrecidos al Consumidor (Dec. 117/006 del Reglamento Bromatológico Nacional) (Draft text providing for the declaration of allergens and substances that cause adverse reactions, on the labels of consumer-ready foods, of any origin, packaged in the absence of the customer (Decree No. 117/006 concerning the National Bromatological Regulations)) (4 pages, in Spanish)

The notified text incorporates, into the National Bromatological Regulations, provisions concerning the declaration of allergens and substances that can cause adverse reactions, on the labels of foods packaged in the absence of the consumer.