Packaging and packaging waste
Draft Law of Ukraine "On Packaging and Packaging Waste"; (49 page(s), in Ukrainian)
The draft Law provides for the introduction of new norms and requirements for:
- defining the range of entities and their obligations in management of packaging and packaging waste;
- establishing basic requirements for the introduction of packaging, goods in packaging, and packaging labeling in order to reduce the level of hazardous substances in packaging and to facilitate recycling;
- requirements for the establishment and operation of Extended Producer Responsibility Organizations (EPROs), their obligations, grounds and procedure for termination of their activities;
- minimum recycling targets for packaging waste by type of packaging material and packaging category (household/commercial), with their gradual increase as the packaging waste management system develops;
- creation of registers of producers of packaged goods and EPROs, registration procedure;
- gradual coverage of the entire territory of the country with separate packaging waste collection systems, interaction of local governments with the EPROs;
- peculiarities of contracts between the EPROs and business entities in the sphere of packaging waste management;
- control and liability for violations of legislation in the sphere of packaging and packaging waste management.