TW Taiwan
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft

Plant Regulated Articles Subject to Post-Entry Quarantine

Draft amendment of the "Regulations of Plant Regulated Articles Subject to Post-Entry Quarantine". Language(s): English. Number of pages: 4

The "Regulations of Plant Regulated Articles Subject to Post-Entry Quarantine" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation of PEQ) is authorized by Article 14 of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Act (hereinafter referred to as the Act). In accordance with the amendment of the Act on 20 June 2018, five articles are revised or amended.

The contents of the revised articles are as follows:

1.    In accordance with the revision of Article 14 of the Act, we revised the authorization basis of the Regulation of PEQ.

2.    Article 5 was amended so that sides of facility and all vents, windows and other holes shall be covered with screens with openings no larger than 0.6 mm to be separated from the outside environment.

3.    If the approved documents is changed, the importer shall submit application to the plant quarantine authority for approval according to Article 7.

4.    Article 9 regulates the importer shall maintain the completeness of the safety facility.

5.    Article 11 clarifies the situation which shall be deemed as failing to meet the import quarantine inspection and the articles to be destroyed.