RU Russland
  • 24 - Tabak und verarbeitete Tabakersatzstoffe

Unmanufactured tobacco and tobacco refuse (HS Code: 2401)

Eurasian Economic Commission Council Draft Decision "On Amendments to Certain Decisions of the Customs Union Commission and the Eurasian Economic Commission Council". Language(s): Russian. Number of pages: 2

The Draft provides for the amendment of the List of products under quarantine (cargo, materials, regulated goods) which are subject to quarantine phytosanitary control (supervision) at the customs border of the Customs Union and in the customs territory of the Customs Union due to the change of the level of phytosanitary risk of unmanufactured tobacco and tobacco refuse from low to high phytosanitary risk.

The Draft also provides for the following quarantine phytosanitary requirements for the above mentioned products: "must come from places and (or) production sites free from coffin fly (Megaselia scalaris)".