PY Paraguay
  • 23 - Fluidsysteme und -bauteile
  • 43 - Kraftfahrzeugtechnik

MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on valves for vehicular natural gas (VNG) storage cylinders (Repeal of Common Market Group Resolution No. 33/10)

Proyecto de Reglamento Técnico MERCOSUR (RTM) de válvula para cilindro de almacenamiento de Gas Natural Vehicular (GNV) (Derogación de la Res. GMC N° 33/10) (Draft MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on valves for vehicular natural gas (VNG) storage cylinders (Repeal of Common Market Group Resolution No. 33/10)). The notified MERCOSUR Technical Regulation establishes the safety requirements to be met and tests to be carried out when manufacturing cylinder valves, as one of the components of the vehicular natural gas (VNG) system used in motor vehicles. The safety requirements and tests are to be applied by all chains supplying the products in the territory of the States Parties. They also apply to trade among the States Parties and to imports from outside the MERCOSUR area.

Draft MERCOSUR Technical Regulation: Reglamento Técnico Mercosur MERCOSUR/XXXIX SGT N° 3/P. RES N° 01/10 Rev.6