NZ Neuseeland
  • 13 - Umwelt, Gesundheitsschutz, Sicherheit
  • 49 - Luftfahrttechnik, Raumfahrttechnik
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft

All aircraft arriving into New Zealand

Craft Risk Management Standard for Aircraft from All Countries. Language(s): English. Number of pages: 10

This Craft Risk Management Standard (CRMS) specifies the requirements needed to manage the biosecurity risks associated with the arrival of aircraft in New Zealand.

Aircraft arriving in New Zealand from origins outside New Zealand have the potential to be vectors for exotic pests, pathogens and unwanted organisms. The Biosecurity Act 1993 (the Act) prescribes requirements for it specifies the biosecurity risk management and information requirements that must be met when aircraft enter New Zealand territory. Upon arrival, verification will be carried out to ensure that these requirements have been met (verification may include inspections).

The proposed amendments refer to the Craft Risk Management Standard for Aircraft from All Countries. The main change to requirements is to the definition of an International Transit Aircraft, where the proposed amendment replaces the 8hour turn around period for International Transit Aircraft with an estimated time and date of departure. Other amendments included changes to wording and standard layout for clarity.