NI Nicaragua
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft

Avocado tree (Persea americana Mill.) cuttings

NTON 11004:2022 Registros pecuarios. Sistemas de identificación y trazabilidad. Bovinos (Nicaraguan Mandatory Technical Standard (NTON) No. 11004:2022: Livestock records. Identification and traceability systems. Bovine animals)

The Republic of Nicaragua hereby advises that Nicaraguan Mandatory Technical Standard (NTON) No. 11 026 - 10: Registration and identification system for bovine animals during primary production, transport and processing, notified on 6 October 2010 in document G/TBT/N/NIC/110, is to be replaced by NTON No. 11004:2022: Livestock records. Identification and traceability systems. Bovine animals, the purpose of which is "to establish requirements and provisions for the identification and traceability of bovine animals".