MX Mexiko
  • 97 - private und kommerzielle Hauswirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Sport

Rebuilt, refurbished, second-line, off-spec, remanufactured and used or second-hand products

PROYECTO de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-241-SE-2021, Etiquetado de productos reconstruidos, reacondicionados, de segunda línea, fuera de especificaciones, remanufacturados y usados o de segunda mano-Información comercial (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-241-SE-2021: rebuilt, refurbished, second-line, off-spec, remanufactured and used or second-hand products - Trade information) (14 pages, in Spanish)

The notified Mexican Official Standard establishes the trade information that must be made available to consumers acquiring rebuilt, refurbished, second-line, off-spec, remanufactured and used or second-hand products imported and sold in the United Mexican States.

The trade information referred to in this Mexican Official Standard must be provided by manufacturers, repairers, rebuilders, importers, resellers and any other person engaged in importing or retailing the products indicated in the Standard.

This Mexican Official Standard does not apply to products for which there is a specific Mexican Official Standard regulating aspects related to trade information; in such cases, the provisions of those standards shall apply. Compliance with this Mexican Official Standard does not waive any responsibility to comply with the provisions of other Mexican Official Standards relating to the products mentioned within the scope of this Standard.