MX Mexiko
  • 75 - Erdöl u. zugehörige Technologien

Portable pressure vessels, equipment and accessories for service stations selling liquefied petroleum gas

Proyecto de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-008-ASEA-2018; Especificaciones técnicas y requisitos en materia de seguridad industrial, seguridad operativa y protección al medio ambiente para el diseño, construcción, pre-arranque, operación, mantenimiento, cierre y desmantelamiento de estaciones de servicio con fin específico para el expendio al público de Gas licuado de petróleo, por medio del llenado parcial o total de recipientes portátiles a presión (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-008-ASEA-2018: Industrial safety, operational safety and environmental protection technical specifications and requirements for the design, construction, pre-start up, operation, maintenance, closure and dismantling of service stations selling liquefied petroleum gas to the public in partly or completely filled portable pressure vessels) (50 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Mexican Official Standard applies throughout national territory and is binding on all persons responsible for the design, construction, pre-start up, operation, maintenance, closure and dismantling of service stations selling liquefied petroleum gas to the public in partly or completely filled portable pressure vessels.