JP Japan
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft

Muramidase as a feed additive

Designation of Muramidase as a feed additive. Language(s): Japanese and English. Number of pages:

MAFF will designate Muramidase as a feed additive and establish its standards and specifications by the Ministerial Ordinance in "Public Announcement: the Ministerial Public Announcement Regarding the Designation of Feed Additives (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Public Announcement No. 750 issued on 24 July 1976)" and "Ministerial Ordinance on the Specifications and Standards of Feeds and Feed Additives "(Ordinance No. 35 of 24 July 1976 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry).

(Proposed amendment) Muramidase is allowed to be used as a feed additive for broilers only.