IL Israel
  • 97 - private und kommerzielle Hauswirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Sport
  • 63 - Andere konfektionierte Spinnstoffwaren; Warenzusammenstellungen; Altwaren und Lumpen

Framed back baby carriers; (HS: 630790); (ICS: 97.140)

SI 13209 part 1: Child use and care articles - Baby carriers - Safety requirements and test methods: Framed back carriers (31 page(s), in English; 8 page(s), in Hebrew)

The requirements of the existing standard, SI 13209 part 1, dealing with framed back baby carriers, shall be declared mandatory. This declaration is inline with the mandatory standardization objective to protect human safety.

This standard adopts both the European Standard EN 13209-1: September 2004 and the American Standard ASTM F2549 - 14a and allows compliance with either. The standard's Hebrew section includes the following national deviations:

1.      National deviations from the European Standard (EN):

o     Changes the normative references (paragraph 2);

o     Deletes item a) of paragraph 8.1;

o     Adds to paragraph 9 a requirement that the warnings shall be in Hebrew and provides in the new normative Annex A an official translation.

2.      National deviations from the American Standard (ASTM):

o     Deletes from the standard's scope few sentences in paragraph 1.6; 

o     Adds to paragraph 8 a requirement that the warnings shall be in Hebrew and provides in the new normative Annex A an official translation.