CE Europäische Union
  • 39 - Kunststoffe und Waren daraus

HS Code(s): 39

Draft Commission Regulation on recycled plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 282/2008 (Text with EEA relevance). Language(s): English. Number of pages: 49

The regulation concerns the placing on the market of plastic materials and articles with recycled/secondary plastic content intended for use in contact with food. It sets out rules for the manufacture thereof, suitable recycling technologies, recycling processes, recycling installations, plastic waste, collection and sorting of plastic input and the decontamination thereof, and the use of the plastic output, quality control, registration of business operators and enforcement, with the purpose to ensure that the recycled content in the final plastic materials and articles intended for contact with food do not cause harm to the consumers of those foods, or change their quality or organoleptic properties. The Regulation repeals Regulation (EC) No 282/2008, which it will replace.