CO Kolumbien
  • 73 - Waren aus Gusseisen, Eisen oder Stahl
  • 86 - Schienenfahrzeuge und ortsfestes Gleismaterial, und Teile davon; mechanische (einschliesslich elektromechanische) Signalvorrichtungen für Verkehrswege

Vehicle restraint systems used in the motor vehicle land transport road network and on road viaducts and bridges in Colombia. The systems are classified under the following tariff subheadings of the Colombian Customs Tariff:, and Paragraph.

The above-mentioned tariff subheadings shall not be the sole criterion for the implementation of this technical regulation, and consideration must therefore be given to the characteristics of the product.

Proyecto de resolución del Ministerio de Transporte y la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Vial "Por la cual se adopta el reglamento técnico para la evaluación del desempeño de sistemas de contención vehicular" (Draft Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and National Road Safety Agency "adopting the technical regulation on performance assessment for vehicle restraint systems") (12 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Resolution seeks to adopt the technical regulation on performance assessment for vehicle restraint systems that are produced or marketed in Colombia and used in road infrastructure throughout Colombian territory, with a view to preventing or minimizing risks to human life and health through technical performance requirements for such systems.