CL Chile
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft

Cereal seeds

Modifica Resolución No. 1.187 de 2022 que aprueba texto coordinado y sistematizado de la Resolución que establece requisitos fitosanitarios de ingreso para semillas de cereales (Amendment to Resolution No. 1.187 of 2022, which approves the coordinated and consolidated text of the Resolution establishing phytosanitary import requirements for cereal seeds) Language(s): Spanish. Number of pages: 3

The notified text amends SAG Resolution No. 1.187 of 2022 as follows:

·         The first clause should read:

"The following will be accepted as an alternative Additional Declaration:

1.2.1: The pest/s is/are not present in the country of origin, in accordance with the guidelines of ISPM No. 8 "Determination of pest status in an area". In order to comply with this Additional Declaration, the country of origin shall maintain supporting evidence and pest records, used as a basis for determining the country's pest-free status, taking into account that these records may be requested by the Service.


1.2.2: The consignment originates from a pest free area, officially recognized by the Service by means of an exempt resolution (indicate number and year)".

·         The second clause should read:

"Any fungicide product accepted and registered by the NPPO of the country of origin for the control of Tilletia indica shall be accepted as a treatment against this pest."

2. The notified Resolution will enter into force once published in the Official Journal.

Further details can be found in the document attached hereto.