CL Chile
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Mass media food advertising, for those products exceeding the critical nutrient limits determined by the Ministry of Health in Article 120 bis of the Food Health Regulations

PROYECTO DE MODIFICACIÓN QUE "DETERMINA CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL MENSAJE QUE PROMUEVE HÁBITOS DE VIDA SALUDABLE CONTENIDO EN LA PUBLICIDAD DE LOS ALIMENTOS" (Draft amendment determining the characteristics of the message promoting healthy lifestyle habits in food advertising) (11 pages, in Spanish)

Law No. 20.606 on the nutritional composition of foods and food advertising establishes the obligation to label processed foods with a high calorie, saturated fat, sugar and sodium content, based on the levels established by MINSAL. This Law also provides for the incorporation of a message promoting healthy lifestyle habits in the advertising of certain foods. MINSAL Decree No. 1 of 2017 determines the characteristics of the message promoting healthy lifestyle habits in the advertising of the corresponding foods. This Decree has been in force since 11 June 2018. The current message is as follows: "Prefiera Alimentos con menos sellos de advertencia, Ministerio de Salud, Gobierno de Chile" ("Choose foods with fewer warning labels, Ministry of Health, Government of Chile"). Based on the evidence available on the conditions to be met by a message of this nature, a decision was made to assess this message, carrying out a scientific investigation and consultations with academic experts to determine the new characteristics of the message, taking into account the best evidence available.