CL Chile
  • 79 - Holzbearbeitung

Preserved timber

Norma Chilena NCh819:2019 Madera preservada - Clasificación según riesgo de deterioro en servicio y muestreo (Chilean Standard (NCh) No. 819:2019: Preserved timber - Classification according to operational damage risk and sampling)

The notified Standard establishes the classification for risk of damage from attack by biological agents for timber of radiata pine and other coniferous or broadleaf species; retention and penetration requirements for preservatives; and sampling criteria. The Standard applies to timber of radiata pine and other coniferous or broadleaf species that is preserved through an industrial impregnation process. To include timber of other coniferous or broadleaf species preserved through an industrial impregnation process, the preserved timber must meet the retention and penetration requirements for the timber impregnation products that ensure its protection from harmful biological agents, for each category of risk, as indicated by the Standard.

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