CL Chile
  • 55 - Verpackung, Transport

Packaging is taken to mean: 1. Products used to hold, protect, handle, ease the consumption of, store, preserve, transport or improve the presentation of goods; 2. Auxiliary components that are integrated into or attached to the products listed in point 1, when these components also perform some of the listed functions; and 3. Auxiliary components that are integrated into or attached to the products listed in point 1, when these components perform the function of informing the consumer. In order for a product fulfilling the characteristics described in points 1, 2 and 3 not to be considered packaging for the purposes of Supreme Decree No. 12/2020, it must be explicitly categorized as "non-packaging" in section a.2) of this Resolution, or else will be considered as packaging.

Propuesta de Resolución que Identifica los Productos que Constituyen Envases, indicando, además, a qué categoría corresponden, de Conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Decreto Supremo Nº 12, de 2020, del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, que Establece Metas de Recolección y Valorización y Otras Obligaciones Asociadas de Envases y Embalajes (Draft Resolution identifying the products that constitute packaging and specifying their respective categories, in accordance with the provisions of Supreme Decree No. 12 of 2020 of the Ministry of the Environment establishing collection and recovery targets and other obligations relating to packaging and wrapping) (29 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Resolution identifies the products that constitute packaging and specifies their respective categories, in accordance with the provisions of Supreme Decree No. 12 of 2020 of the Ministry of the Environment establishing collection and recovery targets and other obligations relating to packaging and wrapping.

The Resolution will determine which products are to meet the targets and other obligations for packaging for domestic use and which products are to meet the targets and other obligations for packaging for non-domestic use. The first part of the Resolution sets out the criteria that determine whether a product is considered packaging, and includes a list of examples. The second part sets out the criteria that determine whether packaging falls into the domestic category or the non-domestic category, and includes an analysis of these criteria. Where it is not possible to determine whether packaging is domestic or non-domestic according to these criteria, a list has been drawn up of packaging items that will be considered domestic or non-domestic.