CL Chile
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft

Pig farms

Aprueba Anteproyecto de Norma de Emisión de Contaminantes en Planteles Porcinos que en función de sus olores, generan molestia y constituyen un riesgo a la calidad de vida de la población, del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente (Approval of the Ministry of the Environment preliminary draft Pollutant Emission Standard for pig farms that, due to their odour, cause a nuisance and constitute a risk to the quality of life of the population) (13 pages, in Spanish)

The notified Ministry of the Environment preliminary draft Pollutant Emission Standard for pig farms that, due to their odour, cause a nuisance and constitute a risk to the quality of life of the population is being submitted for consultation. This preliminary draft concerns the first odour-related standard in Chile, which seeks to protect the health and improve the quality of life of the population. It is hoped that the implementation of this Standard will prevent and control the emission of pollutants from pig farms.