CA Kanada
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Ground limestone (ICS Codes: 67.220.20)

Notice of Health Canada's Proposal to Enable the Use of Ground Limestone as a Colouring Agent in Unstandardized Confectionery - Reference Number: NOP/ADP-0029

The Federal Government completed a detailed safety assessment of a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of ground limestone as a colouring agent in hard and soft candies and in edible inks for writing on certain confectionery. The results of Health Canada's evaluation of available scientific data support the safety of ground limestone for use as a colouring agent in such unstandardized confectionery. Therefore, Health Canada intends to modify the List of Permitted Colouring ###is (###a href="" class="redactor-linkify-object"> as described in the information document referenced below. The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's intention in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of this food additive.