AR Argentinien
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Ingredients used in dietary supplements

Proyecto de Resolución Conjunta "Código Alimentario Argentino (CAA) - Capítulo XXII "Misceláneos" Modificación del Artículo 1417" (Draft Joint Resolution "Argentine Food Code (CAA) - Chapter XXII 'Miscellaneous' - Amendment to Article 1417") (11 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft, prepared by the National Food Commission (CONAL), amends Article 1417 to include ingredients used in dietary supplement manufacturing, namely:

"18 - β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB) and beta-alanine (ß-ALA). Identity and purity to comply with the FCC, USP and other pharmacopeias.

Max. ID 3 g.

Use: as an ingredient to be used in dietary supplements.


19 - Beta-alanine (ß-ALA): Identity and purity to comply with the FCC, USP and other pharmacopeias.

- Max. ID 2 g, in single doses not exceeding 300 mg.
- Use: as an ingredient to be used in dietary supplements."