AR Argentinien
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Food products

Proyecto de Resolución Conjunta "Código Alimentario Argentino - Capítulo V Rotulación de Productos Alimenticios (Art. 220)" (Draft Joint Resolution "Argentine Food Code - Chapter V: Labelling of Food Products (Article 220)") (3 pages, in Spanish)

The draft text, prepared by the National Food Commission (CONAL), incorporates Article 220, which provides that: "The labels of food products authorized under the Argentine Food Code shall display, in figures not less than one millimetre in size and next to the information identifying the product's origin, the National Register of Food Products number issued by the competent authority upon sanitary authorization of the product and indicated on the certificate corresponding to its authorization".

For food products authorized prior to the entry into force of the proposed amendment, a period of 1095 days from the date of approval of the amendment will be granted for the National Register of Food Products number to be incorporated into the final labels.