DK Dänemark
  • C40C - Chemische Düngemittel

Urease inhibitors

Order on the use of fertilisers by agricultural companies

The new draft Order is intended to replace the current Order No 1142 of 10 July 2022 on the use of fertilisers by agricultural companies (the Fertiliser Use Order). The new draft changes a number of rules. These are mainly minor clarifications and adjustments.

The notification concerns § 8(1) and (2) of the draft.
Application of chemical fertilisers which contain urea-based nitrogen compounds (amide nitrogen) and have a nitrogen content of more than 6 % must, according to § 8(1) of the Fertiliser Use Order, be done by injection or incorporation within 4 hours or by placement in connection with sowing. Alternatively, an urease inhibitor can be added to the urea-based fertilisers that slows down the transformation from urea to ammonium, so that the fertiliser reaches the soil before it is transformed into ammonium. The aim is to limit the emission of ammonia to the air.
Under the existing rules, chemical fertilisers containing urea-based nitrogen compounds must contain the amount of urease inhibitor recommended by the urease inhibitor producer.
With the proposed amendment to the Order, compliance with the requirement laid down in § 8(1) of the Fertiliser Use Order by means of the addition of urease inhibitor can only be achieved through the use of a CE marked urease inhibitor.