SE Schweden
  • T40T - Stadtverkehr und Strassentransport

Lamps, reflectors and signs or equivalent devices for marking long indivisible loads on vehicles and vehicle combinations that are exempted from width provisions when transporting such loads.

The Swedish Transport Agency's regulations and general advice on transport of long indivisible loads

The regulations replace older regulations from the Swedish Transport Agency with approximately the same content. They contain provisions that allow transport on roads, which are not private, of long indivisible loads notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 4, Section 17, first paragraph, of the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998:1276). The exemptions are conditional on the marking of the load with lamps, reflectors and signs and, otherwise, when and where the transport may take place. There is also general advice that complements the regulatory provisions.

The draft does not include a mutual recognition clause since it does not contain provisions that would make a clause relevant.