NO Norwegen
  • T20T - Seetransport und Binnenschifffahrtstransport

Norwegian passenger ships

Proposed new Regulations on safety in passenger spaces

The proposed regulations (DTR) will replace Regulations 1972/4.

The DTR will remove some detailed requirements related to passenger comfort (e.g. number of toilets on board etc.), and instead focus on matters related to safety of life and health.
Norwegian passenger ships are certified according to different standards depending on their trade area. There are no major implications for ships covered by directive 2009/45.
New or amended requirements:
Section 4 paragraph 4, 5, 6, 7
Section 5
Section 6
Section 9 paragraph 1 and 2
Section 12 paragraph 2
Section 14 paragraph 2 and 3 (including Annex 1)
Section 15
Section 16 paragraph 5

Section 14 paragraph 2 is new due to new types of battery powered bikes, hoverboards etc.
Section 14 paragraph 3 relates to small quantities of dangerous goods in consumer packaging, and is vital for the transport especially for small communities with no other public ransportation besides passenger ships. The regulation's intention is to allow products and quantities typically needed for private household, sports and leisure activities.