NL Niederlande
  • B00 - BAUWESEN

This draft Decree amends laws such as the Environmental activities decree [Besluit activiteiten leefomgeving] (Chapter 1) and the Environmental structures decree [Besluit bouwwerken leefomgeving] (Chapter 2). Chapter 1 of this draft Decree contains provisions on performing activities that impact the physical environment. Chapter 2 of this draft Decree contains provisions regarding safety, health, sustainability and usability for the construction or renovation of a structure, the condition and use of the structure and performance of construction and demolition works.

Decree supplementing and amending the Environmental activities decree, the Environmental structures decree, the Environmental quality decree and the Environment decree, repealing and amending other decrees and governing the transitional provisions for introduction of the Environment Act (Decree implementing the Environment Act)

This draft Decree applies adjustments to general administrative regulations to link up with the new environmental law regime. In addition, the draft Decree sets out transitional provisions. It also makes substantive amendments to the Environmental activities decree (Chapter 1 of the draft Decree) and the Environmental structures decree (Chapter 2 of the draft Decree). Most of the provisions in Chapters 1 and 2 of the draft Decree may contain technical regulations.

In the Environmental activities decree, the draft Decree amends and supplements the general rules and permit requirements for performance of activities that impact the physical environment. The purpose of these rules is to minimise this impact on the physical environment. The Environmental activities decree contains a mutual recognition clause (Article 1.3).

In the Environmental structures decree, the draft Decree amends and supplements the general rules for structures and for construction and demolition works. These rules are adopted with a view to safety, health, sustainability and usability. In any case, they are intended to guarantee a minimum level of quality for structures and fire safety in their use. It is also necessary to ensure health and safety in the immediate vicinity of construction and demolition, as well as sustainability in the separation of construction and demolition waste. Moreover, access to new structures and their immediate surroundings must be provided for disabled people. The Environmental activities decree contains a mutual recognition clause (Article 1.2).