SE Schweden
  • N10E - Mineralien, Holz, Papier

Wood, as well as temperature sensors and moisture meters in facilities for heat drying timber

The Swedish Board of Agriculture’s Regulations (SJVFS 2020:xx) on marking wood with the KD 56 °C/30 min mark

Only wood that has been heat dried may be marked with the KD 56 °C/30 min mark. Heat drying is to

lead to the wood being heated to at least 56 °C for a continuous period of at least 30 minutes throughout the treated product. After heat drying the wood must have an average moisture content not exceeding

20%. The KD 56 °C/30 min mark is to be placed in a clearly visible location, meet certain requirements related to durability and clarity, and be designed in a specifically indicated manner.

Temperature sensors and moisture meters in facilities for heat drying timber are to be calibrated in the specified manner at least once every six months.